
Projects created from the template come ready to run test suites, which include not only unit tests, but also documentation validation and coverage reports.


The new project will come ready to run most of the test suites through tox. This framework helps isolating and reproducing the test environment and is completely compatible with Travis CI service, which is the recommended way to run said tests.

tox environments

Travis offers several Python interpreters, which allow testing using different test environments. The interpreters it has include not only various Python 2 and 3 releases, but also Pypy.

It is also possible to run the tests for a concrete release manually, but in that case the correct Python interpreter should have been installed locally.

For that the usual command can be used:

$ tox -e env_name

Where ‘env_name’ is the Python version code, such as ‘py27’ for Python 2.7.


The included ‘.coveragerc’ file allows using Coveralls for generating coverage reports.

This can be done through tox with the following command:

$ tox -e coverage

Which will generate and send the coverage information required for the report. If the job is done with Travis, something the included Travis configuration file already takes care of, no additional configuration is required.

Otherwise check the Coveralls page to find instructions in how to set up the coverage process.

Documentation validation

It is possible to validate the project’s documentation with tox and the following command:

$ tox -e docs

This will run the Sphinx tests, and it is a good idea running it before deploying the docs, like the included Travis configuration file does.

Style validation

In a similar way to the documentation, the code’s style can be validated. For this the following tox command can be used:

$ tox -e check

By default Travis won’t run this environment, as it is too prone to failures. It will check the readme, the manifest and all the code, making sure they conform style standards.