The makefile

A makefile, and an equivalent make.bat file for windows, is offered as an easy way to control the project’s flow.

It is possible to get all the available tasks with the command:

$ make help

But there is a small summary:

Command Description
clean Removes all the generated and distribution files
build Creates the source distribution
install Installs the project in the local repository
requirements Installs the project requirements
register Registers the project into Pypi
deploy Deploys the project into Pypi
test Runs the tox tests suite

Pypi commands

Pypi requires access information. Otherwise the commands making use of this service won’t work.

For this a ‘.pypirc’ file should be on the user folder, with the following data:

index-servers =

username: username_pypi
password: password_pypi

username: username_pypitest
password: password_pypitest

Where the usernames and passwords should be changed for the correct ones.


Deployment is made with Twine, to make sure old versions of Python use HTTPS when deploying.